Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Last night after we said family prayers something special happened, Kaybri said "amen". It's been a very long time since we've heard her say that (probably about a year ago). Amen was one of the first words she learned when she was a year old, and she could repeat what you told her to say in a prayer when she got a little older, but these sweet words were some of the things that disappeared last year. We've been working on saying "amen" quite awhile with her after prayers, and last night I could tell she was actually thinking about it, so I stopped repeating amen to her and after a little bit she slowly said "" over and over again. We just started cheering her on and you could tell she was so proud of herself as she said it a couple more times. The proud feeling I have for her accomplishment is 10x stronger now than what it was when she was learning new words left and right a few years ago; I know now not to take those cute little words for granted.

I can tell she is a little more with it lately. She is responding much better to us and listening when we ask her to do something...most of the time. This last week she has repeated a lot of things I've told her to do like, "get down", "don't touch it", "don't spill it" (these all make me sound mean and bossy, but those short commands I guess are the easiest to say...maybe?). She also said "puh puh please" (please-an old word returned). And a brand new word last week....Trista!(my niece's name) I haven't been able to get her to say some of the words again, so I'm not sure how to make things stick-but I know it's all up in her little head.


Andrea Gunnell said...

I can only imagine the joy you must have felt when she was successfully said those words.
As a parent it means so much to see your child progress and develop.

Tooele Brezoff said...

Wonderful news, she is so darling, I pray she continues to improve. Thanks for the comment on my blog, it makes me so happy!

Bec said...

Ah. What a beautiful post, and what a smart, enduring little girl. She's climbing back up, and it's wonderful to see! Thanks for sharing. We're so proud of her. Hopefully it's only up, up, up from here! :)

PS. Did Tori get that playpen back to you yet?

Amber H. said...

Yay! When I read this I got SO excited for you. I hope it continues to get better and better. Yay Kaybri!

Lamar Echols said...

Awesome!! Awesome!! Thanks for the update. I sure enjoy them.

Bret and Steph said...

That is so great! I know that was a big accompishment for her and great for you! Steph