Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Mouse in our House??

We woke up the other morning and found our cheese laying out, looking like this:
And then the culprit around the corner....Kaybri. The lock on our fridge hadn't been fastened the night before. (This happened about a month ago, thus the lock). Kaybri LOVES cheese. She believes cheese is sufficient for a whole meal. I believe she may even dream of cheese, because it often is the first word out of her mouth in the morning. And this morning it got to be the first thing in!! She was so proud of herself, and also so drugged and loopy from the big seizure and all the drugs from the day before, hence the profound expression on her face.


Brynn P. said...

You've got a REALLY cute mouse in your house!!! lol
How cute!!

Amber H. said...

Oh my! I can totally relate with this one! LOL! We have had the lock on our fridge for about a year now, but the cheese thing is too funny! We get those big blocks too, but cut off big chunks to grate. Well, last night Josh left the big chunk of cheese laying out on the counter. We didn't notice, but a little while later we saw Morgan running by with it in her hand and three HUGE bites taken out! What is it with kids and cheese? Too funny! Thanks for sharing this one. She is such a cutie!

Amber H. said...

Oh, LOVE the new look on your blog BTW! Did you do it? Or did someone do it for you? It looks great!

Jen said...

That is too funny! Audrie is the same way. She could live off of cheese! She will eat almost anything if we put cheese on it.

happy mom said...

I thought you really had a mouse at first! that would be bad, how cute that she loves it that much. but then my kids stick there fingers in the butter!

Bec said...

This is my favorite blog EVER! It's sooooo funny. Your kids are adorable... rodent-like or not! ;) Kiss your kiddos for me. Muah!