Monday, August 31, 2009

Pictures, Pictures, and More Pictures!

1st day of school for Kaybri

Prego pic at 21 weeks. (about 3 1/2 weeks ago so I'm definitely fatter!). Everything is going good. Baby is healthy and I'm feeling pretty good now. And no, we don't know if we're having a boy or girl. We decided to let it by a Surprise! I usually hate surprises, but it's been pretty fun letting the anticipation build.

Paxton loves to fight and wrestle....thanks to all those uncles!

One of Pax's new favorite things is dinosaurs. We took him to the dinosaur museum at BYU while in Utah.

Echols/Hamblin family

Cute happy couple!

I can't tell you how many times I found Pax taking his clothes off to get in Grandma and Grandpa's pond/waterfall.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

My Quarterly Post!

So of course I am full of excuses on why I haven't posted in ages. Here's the rundown of what's happened in the last few months (with no pictures and hardly any details, next time I feel ambitious maybe I'll add to these months!)

*HAWAII for one week with no kids! need I say more?? It was simply AMAZING. Beautiful and Relaxing.
*Found out I was PREGNANT the last day we were in Hawaii! YAY!
*Came back just in time to celebrate EASTER and MOM'S 50th birthday at Jarom and Mel's.
*Kaybri in the Hospital for 4-5 days running tests. (MRI and Video EEG)

*Lots of SLEEP and PUKING
*End of the year PRESCHOOL festivities
*Drive up to UTAH, Justin goes back to AZ. Live with In-Laws for the next couple of months

*Kaybri received CRANIAL SACRAL Treatments.
*Shawn got MARRIED! Saw Justin, and then he took Pax back to my mom's
*Quick trip to AZ for Teancum's Baby Blessing, Shayci's BAPTISM, Jarom's 30th, and our 7th ANNIVERSARY!! whew!

*Reunited with PAX!!
*Reunited with JUSTIN a few days later!!!
*Celebrate Grandma Ellis' 80th Birthday (few months late)
*Drive back HOME!
*24th celebration in ANIMAS, big ward reunion as well as mini-HATCH reunion

*Back to REGULAR life!

Thursday, April 02, 2009


In just a few days Justin and I will be on our way to HAWAII!!! Justin's parents are taking us on another trip they won through AFLAC. I know, we're pretty spoiled. And now, I can't sleep because besides being filled with excitement, I keep thinking about things that I need to get done before we go. Ugh...I'm too tired to do anything now though, so I guess I will just write it on my list of "to do's" and try to get to it tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Last night after we said family prayers something special happened, Kaybri said "amen". It's been a very long time since we've heard her say that (probably about a year ago). Amen was one of the first words she learned when she was a year old, and she could repeat what you told her to say in a prayer when she got a little older, but these sweet words were some of the things that disappeared last year. We've been working on saying "amen" quite awhile with her after prayers, and last night I could tell she was actually thinking about it, so I stopped repeating amen to her and after a little bit she slowly said "" over and over again. We just started cheering her on and you could tell she was so proud of herself as she said it a couple more times. The proud feeling I have for her accomplishment is 10x stronger now than what it was when she was learning new words left and right a few years ago; I know now not to take those cute little words for granted.

I can tell she is a little more with it lately. She is responding much better to us and listening when we ask her to do something...most of the time. This last week she has repeated a lot of things I've told her to do like, "get down", "don't touch it", "don't spill it" (these all make me sound mean and bossy, but those short commands I guess are the easiest to say...maybe?). She also said "puh puh please" (please-an old word returned). And a brand new word last week....Trista!(my niece's name) I haven't been able to get her to say some of the words again, so I'm not sure how to make things stick-but I know it's all up in her little head.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Gimme gimme

Looking for a SUPER cute dress for your little girl? Enter HERE for the give-a-way!!

And if your kids are noise makers like mine, then you should enter another give-a-way for a darling quiet book. It looks like it just might hold the kids attention for more than 5 minutes! Take a look HERE for the rules to enter!

Monday, March 09, 2009

All You Need is Love

My good friend Amber took some pictures of Justin and I last month. She is starting up her photography business and we got to be her "models". I just love how they turned out!! It was actually kinda fun too--I mean just me and hubby, alone, being able to hold and hug on each other. When does that happen?! It's been almost 7 years since we took engagement pictures, and then we had kids and all the pictures become of them, so it's a little weird to have all these pictures of just us, but I totally recommend it. Just the other day my mom showed me a picture of her in her 20's and it's fun to see that stuff. You don't want to wait until something important like 25 or 50 years of marriage, these years are important too. So...go get some pictures of you and your man. He might grumble a little bit, but just remind him that she's going to ask for some kissy pics too ;) Amber's website and photography blog are as follows:

Check her out, she's AWESOME!!

The hardest part is picking which one I like the best!