Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My little man

So, I feel kinda bad that I haven't even mentioned anything about Paxton. Because Kaybri is always having seizures or going to doctor appointments, we are often always talking about her. The fact that she was our first child and is now old enough to demand/show off to get attention doesn't help. Poor second child, huh? Actually, I was the second child and I don't feel the least bit deprived, so I'm sure Paxton will be fine, but just in case...... Paxton is now 10 1/2 months and doesn't like to cuddle with me like he used to. Instead he wants to get down and chase after his sister. This makes me sad because it doesn't seem like he stayed in the "little baby" stage for very long. But I must say, it is really fun and cute to see the two kids play and laugh together. He watches Kaybri in total amazement. Luckily, Kaybri likes her little brother and turns totally giggly when Pax is attacking her. Paxton is cruising around everywhere. He also took his first wobbly steps Aug. 18th while we were in Arizona! He is getting braver about just standing by himself, but he still totally prefers to crawl or walk along some furniture. He likes to clap, scrunch up his nose, sometimes waves, LOVES food, and says dada, mama, baba, and some other grunts.

Here are some of Paxton's funny faces:


Melanie and Jarom said...

YAY Paxton is my BUDDY! Remember how much he loves his Aunt Melgo? I miss them and you guys so much! Please come live by us! Someday... We'll have to plan a trip there soon.

Amber H. said...

LOVE the scrunchy face pictures! I want to pick him up and squeeze ;o) He is a cutie for sure!

Jen said...

LOVE those faces! So cute. He has such a variety of faces. Adorable!