We didn't get there until later in the afternoon; however, it was still boiling hot with all the asphalt around. We had been walking around for about 10-15 minutes trying to find the Zions Bank suite and Kaybri started having a seizure. Justin went and laid her down on some random table, and in just a few minutes we were surrounded be paramedics, security, and other people asking questions. Luckily her seizure didn't last long, but it took a little while for her to come out of the postictal period. The staff there were so very nice and let her go and recover in one of the media rooms that had A.C.
Kaybri started acting fairly normal, so we decided to stay for a little bit and check it out. It worked out great because they started serving dinner soon after we sat down. The suite we were in was right above the pit crews, so we got to watch them change tires and fill up with gas super quick. Kaybri had her moments of liking the cars, but all she really wanted to do was run and play. Paxton was amazingly good. He had a water bottle that he could drench himself with, and he even managed to take a nap with the noisy cars zooming by!
Justin was going for #00, he said it looked more beat up than the other cars, but it was actually winning when we left.

Our family.... Paxton's pulling Kaybri's hair. hehe! Finally old enough to get her back for all the mean things she's done to him! =)